Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILESL LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinDriver! SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\WinDriver! SOFTWARE\Jungo! Jungoa WinDrivera 5.00a WinDriver WinDrivera Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000$ This package contains: WinDriver$ 5.00$ - Device driver development toolkit WinDriver$ 5.00$ - GO-HotSwap: Enabling CompactPCI Hot-Swap o AMCC S5933 API - Quick S5933 driver development o PLX API - Quick PLX driver development o Altera API - Quick Altera driver development o V3 PBC API - Quick PBC driver development o Galileo API - Quick GT64 driver development WinDrivera& cannot be installed on Windows 3.1. Install $ WinDriver$ on Windows 95/98/NT/2000.* BASEDIRR0 KernelDriver requires that you install the NT DDK. If you have already installed the DDK, please set your BASEDIR environment value to the directory in which it is installed. The NT DDK is freely available from Microsoft's web site. KernelDriver requires that you install the Win 98 DDK. If you have already installed the DDK, please set your BASEDIR DDKROOTR0 KernelDriver requires that you install the Win 95 DDK. If you have already installed the DDK, please set your DDKROOT environment value to the directory in which it is installed. The Win95 DDK is freely available from Microsoft's web site. KernelDriver requires that you install the Win 98 DDK. If you have already installed the DDK, please set your DDKROOT (for WDM driver (.sys) developement) environment value $ or DDKROOT (for .VxD developement) environment value to the directory in which it is installed. The Win 98 DDK is freely available from Microsoft's web site. You must have Administrator privileges in order to install a WinDriver$ Log on as an adminstrator and install again. Please read the following license agreement. Use the scroll bar a" to view the rest of this agreement$ Do you aceept all the terms of the preceding license agreement? aB If so, click on the Yes push button. If you select No, Setup will $ close.% LICENSE.TXT Software License Agreementb1 WinDrivera 30 day Evaluation version WinDrivera/ Registered version (For registered users only) Choose the options listed below which you would like to install.$ Once you have selected the options you wish to install, press the Next button to complete the installation. Installation Optionsb1 WinDriver FileComponents PLX 9030 PCI BridgeA PLX 9050 PCI BridgeA PLX 9054 PCI BridgeA PLX IOP 480A PLX 9060 PCI BridgeA PLX 9080 PCI BridgeA AMCC S5933 PCI BridgeA Altera PCI BridgeA V3 PBC PCI BridgeA Galileo PCI BridgeA Visual Basic APIA Delphi Pascal APIA PLX 9030 PCI BridgeA PLX 9050 PCI BridgeA PLX 9054 PCI BridgeA PLX IOP 480A PLX 9060 PCI BridgeA PLX 9080 PCI BridgeA AMCC S5933 PCI BridgeA Altera PCI BridgeA Galileo PCI BridgeA V3 PBC PCI BridgeA Visual Basic APIA Delphi Pascal APIA Choose componentsb not a possible choice - SetupTypeA PLX 9030 PCI Bridge! PLX 9050 PCI Bridge! PLX 9054 PCI Bridge! PLX IOP 480! PLX 9060 PCI Bridge! PLX 9080 PCI Bridge! AMCC S5933 PCI Bridge! Altera PCI Bridge! Galileo PCI Bridge! V3 PBC PCI Bridge! Visual Basic API! Delphi Pascal API! There is not enough space available on the disk Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk Kernel Copying kernel files..." drivers ..\system32\drivers vmm32 redist\wdpnp.sysA redist\eval\windrvr.sysA redist\eval\windrvr.sysA redist\eval\windrvr.vxdA redist\eval\X86EMU\windrvr_ce_emu.dllA vb\redist\wd_vb.dllA General Copying program files..." iosubsys redist\eval\smartvsd.vxdA redist redist\*.*A wizard wizard\*.*A include include\*.*A util\*.*A docs\*.*A hotswap hotswap\*.*A lib\*.*A source source\*.*A Copying samples files...% samples samples\*.*A plx\*.*A kerplug kerplug\*.*A Copying samples files...% samples samples\*.*A PLX 9050 PCI Bridge! Copying PLX 9050 files...% plx\9050 plx\9050\*.*A plx\9052 plx\9052\*.*A PLX 9030 PCI Bridge! Copying PLX 9030 files...% plx\9030 plx\9030\*.*A PLX 9054 PCI Bridge! Copying PLX 9054 files...% plx\9054 plx\9054\*.*A PLX IOP 480! Copying PLX IOP 480 files...% plx\iop480 plx\iop480\*.*A PLX 9060 PCI Bridge! Copying PLX 9060 files...% plx\9060 plx\9060\*.*A PLX 9080 PCI Bridge! Copying PLX 9080 files...% plx\9080 plx\9080\*.*A AMCC S5933 PCI Bridge! Copying AMCC files...% amcc\*.*A Altera PCI Bridge! Copying Altera files...% altera altera\*.*A V3 PBC PCI Bridge! Copying V3 files...% v3\*.*A Galileo PCI Bridge! Copying Galileo Technology files...% galileo galileo\*.*A Visual Basic API! Copying Visual Basic files...% vb\*.*A Delphi Pascal API! Copying Delphi Pascal files...% delphi delphi\*.*A WinDriver1DeinstKeyA WinDriver" \SOFTWARE\MicroSoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\GoHotSwapa \SOFTWARE\MicroSoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Runa GoHotSwapA hs_extender.exe -iconicA redist\hs_extender.cplA hotswap\hs_extender.exeA Creating Program Folder and Icons....( WinDriver CE, WinDriver wizard\wdwizard.exe Driver Wizardb1 wizard\wdwizard.exe Driver Wizardb1 util\wddebug_gui.exe Monitor debug messagesb1 util\wdremote_gui.exe WinDriver Remote Serverb1 DOCS\ReadMe.htm WinDriver on-line!b1 docs\wdman.hlp WinDriver Helpa winhlp32.exea docs\ghsman.pdf GoHotSwap Manual (PDF)b1 docs\kdman.pdf KernelDriver Manual (PDF)b1 docs\wdman.chm WinDriver Manual (CHM)b1 docs\wdman.hlp WinDriver Helpa winhlp32.exea docs\wdmance.hlp WinDriver CE Helpa winhlp32.exea docs\wdmance.chm WinDriver CE Manual (chm)b1 amcc\amccdiag\WIN32\amccdiag.exe Samplesa AMCC S5933 Diagnosticsb1 plx\9050\p9050_diag\WIN32\p9050_diag.exe Samplesa PLX 9050 Diagnosticsb1 plx\9030\p9030_diag\WIN32\p9030_diag.exe Samplesa PLX 9030 Diagnosticsb1 plx\9054\p9054_diag\WIN32\p9054_diag.exe Samplesa PLX 9054 Diagnosticsb1 plx\iop480\iop480_diag\WIN32\iop480_diag.exe Samplesa PLX IOP 480 Diagnosticsb1 plx\9060\p9060_diag\WIN32\p9060_diag.exe Samplesa PLX 9060 Diagnosticsb1 plx\9080\p9080_diag\WIN32\p9080_diag.exe Samplesa PLX 9080 Diagnosticsb1 altera\pci_dev_kit\diag\WIN32\altera_diag.exe Samplesa Altera PCI Dev Kit Diagnosticsb1 v3\pbc_diag\WIN32\pbc_diag.exe Samplesa V3 PBC Diagnosticsb1 galileo\gt64\gt64_diag\WIN32\gt64_diag.exe Samplesa Galileo GT64 Diagnosticsb1 vb\samples\speaker\speaker.exe Samplesa Speaker (Visual Basic)b1 vb\samples\Interrupt\interrupts.exe Samplesa Interrupts (Visual Basic)b1 vb\samples\parallel\parallel_port.exe Samplesa Parallel Port (Visual Basic)b1 delphi\samples\speaker\speaker.exe Samplesa Speaker (Delphi Pascal)b1 util\pci_diag.exe Samplesa PCI Bus Diagnosticsb1 hotswap\hs_detect\WIN32\hs_detect.exe Samplesa HotSwap Detectb1 hotswap\hs_activate\WIN32\hs_activate.exe Samplesa HotSwap Activateb1 hs_extender.exe HotSwap Configuration Managerb1 hs_extender.exe HotSwap Configuration b1 util\usb_diag.exe Samplesa USB Diagnosticsb1 samples\speaker_gui\WIN32\speaker_gui Samplesa Speakerb1 docs\readme.htm KernelDriver on-line!b1 docs\kdman.chm KernelDriver Manual (CHM)b1 docs\kdman.hlp KernelDriver Helpa winhlp32.exea plx\9030\msdev5\p9030_driver.dsw Samplesa PLX 9030 Diagnosticsb1 plx\9050\msdev5\p9050_driver.dsw Samplesa PLX 9050 Diagnosticsb1 plx\9054\msdev5\p9054_driver.dsw Samplesa PLX 9054 Diagnosticsb1 plx\9080\msdev5\p9080_driver.dsw Samplesa PLX 9080 Diagnosticsb1 plx\9030\msdev5\p9030_driver.dsw Samplesa PLX 9030 Diagnosticsb1 altera\pci_dev_kit\msdev5\altera_driver.dsw Samplesa Altera Diagnosticsb1 samples\serial\msdev5\serial.dsw Samplesa Serial Driverb1 samples\async\msdev5\async.dsw Samplesa Asynchronous eventb1 samples\simple\msdev5\simple.dsw Samplesa Simpleb1 samples\int\msdev5\int.dsw Samplesa Interruptb1 samples\portio\msdev5\portio.dsw Samplesa Generic IO portb1 samples\mapmem\msdev5\mapmem.dsw Samplesa Mapping memory to userb1 samples\sys_thread\msdev5\systhread.dsw Samplesa System threadb1 samples\delay\msdev5\delay.dsw Samplesa Delay a threadb1 samples\file\msdev5\file.dsw Samplesa File handlingb1 samples\ndis\ne2000\msdev5\ne2000.dsw Samplesa NDIS NE2000b1 docs\$ order.txt Order Forma notepad.exea docs\license.txt License Agreementa notepad.exea UnInstall a WinDriver: Registration To install the registered version, please enter the 8 digit password a you received upon purchase of $ WinDriver$ Error1 9d34! redist\register\$ SRCREG.EXE -no_msg -ker_drv 9d26! redist\register\$ REG.EXE -no_msg -ker_drv a8dc! redist\register\$ REG.EXE -no_msg Error! The password you entered is incorrect. Would you like to retry entering the ZIP password?( Please re-check the password and re-install, or contact for assistance.* util\unzip.exe redist\register -o -qq -d "b/ " -P $ Failed executing b& Locate this file and execute it in order to complete $ installation of registered version.* redist\register redist\register\WDREGINS.EXE WinDrivera registered version installation; The password you entered is incorrect. Would you like to retry entering the ZIP password?( Failed executing b Please re-check the password and re-install, or contact for assistance.* redist\register\WDREGINS.EXE Failed executing b Locate this file and execute it in order to complete $ installation of registered version.* util\wdreg_gui.exe -silent remove installA Failed executing b -silent remove install* Installation complete.& Remove any disks from their drives, and then click Finish to complete setup.$ Setup has finished copying the files and setting the components that are needed for a WinDriver$ operation on this computer. To activate $ WinDriver$ , you must restart your computer. After rebooting, Click Start\Programs\a WinDriver$ Driver Wizard$ to get going! WinDrivera Setup Complete$ Failed to restart the computer.A hs_extender.exe wizard\wdwizard.exe Setup is complete. Launching a Driver Wizard* Installing a WinDriver$ 5.00$ Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000 SetupA This program requires VGA or better resolution.A Kernel ModuleA Kernel ModuleA Required files - will be installed regardless of choice" plx\9030\*.*BC PLX 9030 PCI BridgeB Use this component if you are developing a a PCI card, based on the PLX 9030$ Bridge Chip-set` PLX 9030 PCI BridgeA plx\9050\*.*BC PLX 9050 PCI BridgeB Use this component if you are developing a a0 PCI card, based on the PLX 9050 or the PLX 9052 $ Bridge Chip-set` PLX 9050 PCI BridgeA plx\9054\*.*BC PLX 9054 PCI BridgeB Use this component if you are developing a a/ PCI card, based on the PLX 9054 Bridge Chip-set` PLX 9054 PCI BridgeA plx\iop480\*.*BC PLX IOP 480B Use this component if you are developing a a' PCI card, based on the PLX IOP 480 chip` PLX IOP 480A plx\9060\*.*BC PLX 9060 PCI BridgeB Use this component if you are developing a a PCI card, based on the PLX 9060 $ Bridge Chip-set` PLX 9060 PCI BridgeA plx\9080\*.*BC PLX 9080 PCI BridgeB Use this component if you are developing a a PCI card, based on the PLX 9080 $ Bridge Chip-set` PLX 9080 PCI BridgeA amcc\*.*BC AMCC S5933 PCI BridgeB Use this component if you are developing a a1 PCI card, based on the AMCC S5933 Bridge Chip-set` AMCC S5933 PCI BridgeA altera\*.*BC Altera PCI BridgeB Use this component if you are developing a a- PCI card, based on the Altera Bridge Chip-set` Altera PCI BridgeA v3\*.*BC V3 PBC PCI BridgeB Use this component if you are developing a a- PCI card, based on the V3 PBC Bridge Chip-set` V3 PBC PCI BridgeA galileo\*.*BC Galileo PCI BridgeB Use this component if you are developing a a> PCI card, based on the Galileo Technology GT64 Bridge Chip-set` Galileo PCI BridgeA vb\*.*BC Visual Basic APIB Visual Basic APIA Use this component if you are developing in Visual Basic delphi\*.*BC Delphi Pascal APIB Delphi Pascal APIA Use this component if you are developing in Delphi Pascal SetupTypeA a TYPICAL a COMPACT a CUSTOM PLX 9050 PCI Bridge! a $ PLX 9050 PCI Bridge PLX 9054 PCI Bridge! a $ PLX 9054 PCI Bridge PLX IOP 480! a $ PLX IOP 480 PLX 9060 PCI Bridge! a $ PLX 9060 PCI Bridge PLX 9080 PCI Bridge! a $ PLX 9080 PCI Bridge AMCC S5933 PCI Bridge! a $ AMCC S5933 PCI Bridge Altera PCI Bridge! a $ Altera PCI Bridge V3 PBC PCI Bridge! a $ V3 PBC PCI Bridge Galileo PCI Bridge! a $ Galileo PCI Bridge Visual Basic API! a $ Visual Basic API Delphi Pascal API! a $ Delphi Pascal API Target DirectoryA b Program FolderA b Copying program files...? Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ Related File: $ edit( SETUPSTR862R1 Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb2 _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdShowFileMods! ResultA nSelectionA SdShowFileMods! nSelectionA ResultA SdShowDlgEdit1! ResultA szEdit1A SdShowEdit1! szEdit1A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit2! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A SdShowEdit2! szEdit1A szEdit2A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit3! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A SdShowEdit3! szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A ResultA SdAskOptions! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptions! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogAdv! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialogAdv! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdComponentMult! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentMult! ComponentA ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A _MRQ8 3.00.077